Week 13: Sickness and the Future


                Hello everyone, and welcome back to my blog. If you did not read the first entry of mine, my name is Hiram Davila. I am a student at the University of Central Florida and will be graduating this semester. This blog post will be following my internship with RICHES Digital Archive throughout the Spring 2023 semester.

                This week has not been too kind to me. I have made less progress on my assignment than I would have liked. Since Monday I have been under the weather. From about Monday night till Thursday I did not feel good enough to leave my house or my bed for that matter. Luckily, woke up today (Friday) feeling a lot more refreshed and ready to catch up on lost time for both my work at RICHES and normal school work.

            Since I do not have too much to report about for the work I did today, I want to talk about one effect RICHES has had on me that came up this week. I was approached by a family friend about working at a company that she was employed at. I was looking through some of the job openings, most of which were sales positions, but there happened to be one called “Content Manager”. While lying in bed sick, I took some time to recreate my resume and applied for the position. The big reason I applied was because a lot of the responsibilities had to do with the companies archive and reminded me of some of my work while in my internship.

            Unfortunately, I did hear back from them today saying they are going to put me on a waitlist and are looking for someone more qualified, the job opening has made me realize that my experience from RICHES is more than the skills I am picking up from the job. It has also allowed me the opportunity to work for a digital archive and now I can identify other jobs with similar responsibilities if I am interested in continuing down this route. While I may have failed to get an interview for that particular opening, I now have opened a door to look for those certain types of jobs and hopefully I can find an entry level position if I do not get into graduate school.


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